A curious Cape Mongoose in Hermanus

Raining heavily this morning…a good opportunity to enjoy The Marine’s comfortable lounge.

Like yesterday, it clears by early afternoon to a sunny day. The swell from yesterday has increased to ‘surf’, and it seems to have discouraged the whales from coming as close to the cliffs as yesterday. They’re still out there…just more difficult to see in the swell.

There are quite a few whales engaging in ‘sailing’. This is basically a whale headstand, where the whale hangs vertically in the water, with its tail held high out of the water. Something interesting to see? Indigestion? Whale yoga? Nobody knows but the whales, but today they are all ‘sailing’ rather than breaching.

It’s a good day for a cliff top walk from Hermanus, away from the town centre, past Roman Rock and Kraal Rock. Here the surf is even more pronounced. Some rock fisherman give up after a while – the surf means they’re catching more rocks on their lines than fish.


On the walk back, I spy what I think is a dassie or rock hyrax running along a fence, but when I get closer, it turns out to be a very relaxed Cape Mongoose. As long as I don’t make any sudden moves or get too close, its happy to pose for a portrait.

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